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Insights into decadal North Atlantic sea surface temperature and ocean heat content variability from an eddy-permitting coupled climate model ArchiMer
Moat, B. I.; Sinha, B.; Josey, S. A.; Robson, J.; Ortega, P.; Sévellec, Florian; Holliday, N. P.; Mccarthy, G. D.; New, A. L.; Hirschi, J. J.-m..
An ocean mixed layer heat budget methodology is used to investigate the physical processes determining subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean heat content (OHC) variability on decadal-multidecadal timescales using the state-of-the-art climate model HadGEM3-GC2. New elements include development of an equation for evolution of anomalous SST for interannual and longer timescales in a form analogous to that for OHC, parameterization of the diffusive heat flux at the base of the mixed layer and analysis of a composite AMOC event. Contributions to OHC and SST variability from two sources are evaluated i) net ocean-atmosphere heat flux and ii) all other processes, including advection, diffusion and entrainment for SST. Anomalies in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atmosphere-ocean interaction; Climate variability; Energy budget; Balance; Fluxes; Heat budgets; Fluxes; Surface temperature.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Variability of the Heat and Salt Budget in the Subtropical Southeastern Pacific Mixed Layer between 2004 and 2010: Spice Injection Mechanism ArchiMer
Kolodziejczyk, Nicolas; Gaillard, Fabienne.
The mixed layer heat and salt budget in the southeastern subtropical Pacific are estimated using 7 years (2004-10) of Argo-profiling float data, surface fluxes, precipitation, surface velocity data, and wind observations and reanalysis. In this region, the mixed layer heat budget is characterized by a strong annual cycle mainly modulated by the shortwave radiation annual cycle. During the austral fall and winter, the shortwave radiation input minimum is overwhelmed by the heat loss mainly because of the latent heat flux. The mixed layer salt budget also presents a strong annual cycle with a minimum of salt content during the late austral winter. In contrast with the heat budget, the salt budget is mainly driven by the unresolved terms computed as the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mixed layer; Heat budgets; Fluxes; Salinity; In situ oceanic observations; Interannual variability; Seasonal cycle.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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